
🗣️I’m sorry Arsenal fans,this was never what I told Him to do today”,

Jamie Carragher ignited a wave of controversy on social media by openly questioning whether PGMOL chief Howard Webb had any influence over the decision to upgrade William Saliba’s yellow card to a red during Arsenal’s Premier League clash with Bournemouth. The incident occurred in the first half of Saturday’s match at the Vitality Stadium when Saliba was initially shown a yellow card by referee Rob Jones for a foul on Bournemouth’s Evanilson. However, VAR soon intervened, reviewing the incident and ultimately recommending an upgrade from a yellow to a red card. This decision resulted in Saliba’s dismissal from the game, sparking outrage among Arsenal fans as it means the defender will now miss Arsenal’s crucial upcoming match against Liverpool.


Carragher, known for his no-holds-barred opinions, took to social media to suggest that Webb, who was spotted on his phone in the stands during the match, might have had some involvement in the controversial call. Carragher’s comments stirred significant debate, with some fans agreeing with the former Liverpool defender’s concerns, while others defended the integrity of the VAR process, arguing that the decision was made based purely on the guidelines in place. Nevertheless, the timing of Webb’s visible phone use during the match added fuel to an already heated discussion about the role of officiating in the Premier League.


Arsenal fans were far from silent following the incident. Chanting their discontent, they directed their frustrations toward both Howard Webb and the PGMOL, accusing them of unfairly targeting their team. The match, which remained goalless at halftime, took a sharp turn for the worse for Arsenal following Saliba’s red card. His early departure was a major blow to Mikel Arteta’s already injury-hit squad. With key players such as Martin Odegaard and Bukayo Saka sidelined, Arteta faced yet another challenge as his team struggled to cope with the loss of one of their best defenders.


In the wake of the uproar, the Premier League felt compelled to issue a statement explaining the decision to upgrade Saliba’s card. According to the official clarification, VAR had recommended that Rob Jones conduct an on-field review after determining that Saliba’s foul had denied a clear goal-scoring opportunity for Bournemouth. Upon reviewing the footage, Jones opted to change his initial ruling from a yellow card to a red, adhering to the rules surrounding such incidents. While this may have provided some explanation, it did little to soothe the anger of Arsenal’s fans, who believed the decision was yet another example of inconsistent officiating working against their club.


As the dust settles, Arsenal now faces the daunting prospect of a crucial fixture against Liverpool without Saliba, adding to the growing list of problems for Arteta. The decision continues to divide fans and pundits alike, with Carragher’s suggestion that Webb may have influenced the outcome casting a shadow over what should have been a routine officiating decision. For Arsenal, however, the focus will shift to how they can regroup and prepare for one of their biggest challenges of the season, all while dealing with the fallout from the Bournemouth match and the ongoing injury

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